Flirting at work...
How much is too much? Do you do it? What is crossing the line?
Background story. Two guys that I work with have both been pretty flirty with me lately. I'm not offended by it. I might even be a little flattered by it. But I think I might be a little confused or surprised about it. They are both really nice guys that I've developed a fun, joking around kind of relationship with in the year that I've worked here. Both have been married for quite a while. I'm a bit of a flirt myself but usually only with people that I know really well.
One of them left me a voice mail message a while back with some part numbers. He read them off and one of them had a "69" in it. When he read that he hesitated and added "that's a good number". That was the beginning of it. I laughed about his voice mail and ever since then he's been really flirty with me. The other guy commented on how well I filled out my jeans on Friday. That one really floored me because he just didn't seem like the kind of guy to say something like that. I laughed it off but it kind of stuck with me all day. I wondered if I'm sending out some kind of vibe. I'm really not offended by the comments but it has made me question myself.
Mr 69 calls me every day now. Most of the time there's something work related but there's always a non-work conversation involved. He's a lot of fun and we always have a couple of laughs. I'm pretty sure it's all harmless but I don't want any misunderstandings.
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