Four Weddings and a Fish
Saturday morning I determined to find a picture from my BIL/SIL's wedding where I was a bridesmaid. I thought that was the only wedding party I'd ever been part of. To my surprise I found pictures of me in three other weddings but none from their wedding. It took me all weekend but I've finally managed to come up with a post.
Wedding #1
Here's the first wedding I was part of. It ended in a Tammy Wynette song, D-I-V-O-R-C-E!
This was my uncle's wedding. My Mom and I are on the left of the bride. I don't remember much of the wedding but I do remember the divorce pretty well. My uncle stored some of his furniture in our basement and the bride and her twin sister (the bridesmaid on the right) threatened to drive a truck through our brick house if Dad didn't let them have the furniture back. I remember that as plain as day. *giggle*
Wedding #2
The next wedding I was part of was my own. So far, it has fared better than my uncle's. *grin* I actually got married two weeks after he got married for the second time. His second marriage is still going strong
Wedding #3
Mr lights and I standing up for our best friends (at the time). No, they were not standing on a platform. He is 6'3" and she's 6' tall. DO NOT laugh at my glasses! I'll know if you're laughing at my glasses and I will be making a list. Looking at this picture it appears that he groom likes me more than the bride likes mr lights. *snicker*
And just for mm, here's a picture of me holding a fish I caught just to prove that I'm not a city girl. *grin*