Four Weddings and a Fish
Saturday morning I determined to find a picture from my BIL/SIL's wedding where I was a bridesmaid. I thought that was the only wedding party I'd ever been part of. To my surprise I found pictures of me in three other weddings but none from their wedding. It took me all weekend but I've finally managed to come up with a post.
Wedding #1
Here's the first wedding I was part of. It ended in a Tammy Wynette song, D-I-V-O-R-C-E!
This was my uncle's wedding. My Mom and I are on the left of the bride. I don't remember much of the wedding but I do remember the divorce pretty well. My uncle stored some of his furniture in our basement and the bride and her twin sister (the bridesmaid on the right) threatened to drive a truck through our brick house if Dad didn't let them have the furniture back. I remember that as plain as day. *giggle*
Wedding #2
The next wedding I was part of was my own. So far, it has fared better than my uncle's. *grin* I actually got married two weeks after he got married for the second time. His second marriage is still going strong
Wedding #3
Mr lights and I standing up for our best friends (at the time). No, they were not standing on a platform. He is 6'3" and she's 6' tall. DO NOT laugh at my glasses! I'll know if you're laughing at my glasses and I will be making a list. Looking at this picture it appears that he groom likes me more than the bride likes mr lights. *snicker*
And just for mm, here's a picture of me holding a fish I caught just to prove that I'm not a city girl. *grin*
Great pictures! It's funny how our hair and glasses change over the years. I have a matching pair of those huge eyeglasses.
LOL! The last pic was the perfect addition to the post!
Glasses? What glasses?
You look damn good after two days.
And YAY, I love the wedding pictures. *smooch*
I will not laugh at your glasses. When I was in 4th grade I had pink and blue glasses that took up my entire face.
Ewwww. Fish.
Jen <--- city girl
Woo! Yay! I love the pics, Lights! Thanks for getting this together. *makes icky face at fish*
I miss big glasses. They make so much more sense than itty-bitty glasses.
You're looking good in all those pics, Lights! In pic #3 - where are the groom's hands? He seems to loike you more than he likes the bride.
I like fresh-caught fish. Just not the cleaning of them.
I thought you had blond hair. *head tilt*
LOL Puffy, I was thinking the same thing about my hair styles. Glasses must have been expensive back in the day, so much more glass and all.
I'm glad you enjoyed the fish pic Kim. Good answer on the glasses, btw. *grin*
Thank you Carey. I think you may need to borrow my big-assed glasses though.
City-girl! I called them my windshield glasses.
Bet you wouldn't be making an icky fish face if you tasted it once it was cooked! Mmmmmm!
LOL Swami. I never noticed the Groom's hold on me until this weekend. I'm pretty sure I would have remembered if his hands were somewhere they shouldn't have been. They're still married. Twenty-five years this year. We saw them at the Dr. Hook concert last summer and they were telling us they'd be in touch with our invite.
I love fresh walleye! Best.Fish.Ever! Dave cleans the guts out of them and then I take the skin off the filets. I don't mind doing that part.
Thank you all for not laughing, at least not in front of me. *grin*
Me? Blonde? Nope, I just have blonde moments and highlights. *giggle*
My hair has always been dark brown.
Love the pictures! I used to wear cat-eye shaped glasses :-)
And, you look pretty dern good in that fish pic. I tell ya, I wouldn't be looking that good after 2 days.
*not laughing at the glasses*
This is me not laughing.
Okay, not admitting to laughing.
*burp* I've been eating a whole lot of blue gills lately. The best part? I didn't have to clean them. *grin*
Great pics!
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