Renovation Hell - Day 6 and counting
I want my house back to normal. I want my bed back. I'm bored with this now.
Painting has never been one of my favorite things. I'd much rather build something than paint it. Hammers are so much more fun than paintbrushes. On Saturday we tore Dave's room apart and started pulling off trim. We even removed the wood around the windows that had swelled from condensation. It's all going to be replaced. We've got the primer coats on and are ready to start on the color now. I can't wait for it to be DONE! Not only is the rest of the house cluttered with all the stuff from the bedroom but I've had to share my bed with Dave and Holly for the past 5 nights! *grin*
Confession home started out as a mobile home. Yes, I'm trailer trash. When we moved here we needed a place to live (our other home sold quicker than we had anticipated) and there were no homes for sale (unlike now when every second home is for sale). We decided to order a brand new mobile home and live in it for the winter until we could build a full size addition in the spring and make it into a non-mobile home. I had reservations about it at first until we found one that was really well built and had it built to our specifications. None of that tacky flowery wallpaper for us, no sir. We ordered the entire house with off white, non-patterned walls. The people at the factory dubbed our house the "White House" because we were the only people to ever order one in all white. To me, it seemed to be the ONLY choice. Maybe I'm not true trailer trash after all.
So that was 15 years ago and the vinyl covered drywall is looking very tired. We've heard horror stories about trying to paint over the vinyl and the only other solution was to remove it and put up all new drywall which would be a very big job. I decided that it was time to give it a try and attempt to paint it. After much research we decided to go for it and if it didn't work we'd bite the bullet and change the drywall. We did the small bathroom first and it turned out great so now we're working on a bedroom. After that we'll have the laundry room, my bedroom and ensuite, and the kitchen/living room. So much painting and I'm sick of it already.
On Saturday while we were tearing the room apart we were remembering all the living that's been done in our home over the past 15 years. Jamie grew up in that bedroom. He had the walls covered in posters. Guess he didn't like the plain off white walls. There were a ton of pin holes that had to be filled with plaster as well as a couple of "dents". We saw him tonight and I mentioned them to him and he said they were likely the result of some of our "debates" when I sent him to his corner to cool off. He had a habit of taking his frustrations out on his walls. *grin* It was very nostalgic thinking of all the stories those walls could tell. Probably a good thing we're painting over them.
It's so hard to believe we've been here for 15 years already. This is the longest I've ever lived in one home. Sometimes I wish for a different house but other days I can't imagine living anywhere else. On the days that I want a new house I think about having to pack all our shit and suddenly I love my house and never want to leave it. We've got lots of plans. Laminate flooring, new paint, new decorating. If only we had the money to do it all quickly. It seems like we've been neglecting the house since we bought the cottage. I'm sure in about 3 months it will be neglected again when cottage weather arrives again.
Enough rambling for now. Talk to me about your home renovation woes. Misery loves company.