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Location: Middle of Nowhere, Northern Ontario, Canada

Sunday, July 15

Back to work tomorrow

I guess it's about time that I checked in and updated. It's back to work tomorrow morning after a week of vacation. We had a very relaxing and quiet holiday. Thankfully we had no major storms like last year even though the weather really didn't co-operate very well. I don't think we had a single day that it didn't rain at least once.

I played ball a couple times. We went fishing and caught enough walleye for a delicious meal of fresh fish. We had dinner with Rescue Ray and his wife and last night friends of ours from across the lake invited us over for dinner and drinks. All in all it was a nice vacation and I actually don't feel extremely depressed about going back to work. We still have one week of vacation that we're saving for September so we still have that to look forward to. *hops*

The laptop is going back tomorrow and the new one (with XP) is on it's way to me. They agreed to give me the same laptop with XP for the same price. Otherwise I wasn't going to order another one from them. Hopefully the new one will give me less grief than the first one did.

We spent a bit of time at home this week while Dave did some work on the vehicles. While he did that I started taking the living room and kitchen apart so that we can get it painted and drywalled. We won't be moving back home until it's all done so that should be some kind of incentive.

Sure hope I can wake up at 5am tomorrow without feeling too groggy. We've been staying in bed until 8 or 9 am each day during our holidays. Man I love vacations!

Oh ya, I read three books this week. First was Stuart Woods - Iron Orchid, next was Janet Evanovich - 12 Sharp, and I'm almost done Mariah Stuart - Dead Wrong. 12 Sharp was read during the one sunny day, sitting on the deck with a drink by my side. It was a good day. *grin*


Blogger Puffy said...

I missed you the mostest, of course. I hope your new laptop doesn't give you any problems. I wish I had a laptop. *pout*

Mon Jul 16, 02:17:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger ~Nutz said...

So you're staying at the cottage while you do work on the house?

Mon Jul 16, 10:12:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Bravie said...

Why on earth would you be taking some days of in September? *grin* *hop*
Is it September yet?

Mon Jul 16, 03:43:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger MM said...

*ignores the braggart above me*

*smooches* Lightsie!

Mon Jul 16, 07:47:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Bravie said...

*evil grin* for MM.

Tue Jul 17, 12:11:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

I remember you telling of last year's storm at the Peep Meet.

You probably shouldn't go to the cabin in September. Some crazy people might decide to show up.

Wed Jul 18, 09:41:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Swami said...

I hope you are having a fun week at work!

I used to read a lot of Stuart Woods, but then he fell off my radar.

This weekend I grilled some basil-wrapped lake trout and it was delish!

I think I love Rescue Ray. I want a Rescue Ray in my life. In fact, I have a little list of things I need rescuing from.

Thu Jul 19, 09:11:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger momma said...

What happened with the laptop?

Have a great day at work...even though you've been back from vacation for two weeks.

How's the living room coming?

Wed Jul 25, 08:55:00 a.m. EDT  

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