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Location: Middle of Nowhere, Northern Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, May 1

Storm Warning!!!

Finally, for Carey and any other Storm fans out there...

Three weeks ago Storm Large and Gilbey Clarke came to North Bay. We had front row seats. Storm came out after the Canadian warm up band, Channel One. They were annoying trying to tell everyone to stand up. Hey kids, we'll stand up when Storm and Gilbey show up. You should just sing and get the hell off the stage. *grin*

Storm came out and told us that she was there with only one Ball. She said that she was going to show us her vulnerable side and that she'd be back later in the summer with all her Balls for a rockin' concert.

She was amazing! Absolutely freakin' amazing. Funny, powerful, raunchy, hypnotizing, soft, and sexy as hell. After her first song I was ready to switch teams. I had joked earlier that I was going to be the only one of our foursome that wouldn't be drooling over Storm (we went with our real-life lesbian sidekicks) but it didn't take long before she captivated me completely.

After an intermission where I tried to find out where she was signing autographs, Gilbey hit the stage. He's um, very tiny in person. I wasn't even completely convinced it was him at first. He looked different in person. We had all knew that Gilbey could play guitar but the burning question was could he sing? That question was answered fairly quickly. Not so much. I would have been quite happy if the entire show had been Storm. I'm fairly certain the majority of the audience agreed. Near the end of his show Storm wandered out on stage wearing jeans under her dress she'd worn earlier. The crowd went wild.

We left while Gilbey was doing his encore (minus his t-shirt). It was 11:15pm and we still had to go rescue our friends who ran out of gas on the way to the concert (in my old car). It was 12:30am by the time we got home and we had to be up at 5am. But Stormy made it all worthwhile. My friend's daughter bought a tshirt and Storm autographed it. I was so disappointed that I didn't get to take my picture with Storm. *pout*

I had really meant to get this posted sooner but life just keeps getting in the way. From Friday night to Sunday night we're at the cottage without internet access, Monday night I'm playing catch-up on laundry and stuff at home, Tuesday night is volleyball night (on my way shortly), and that only leaves Wednesday night for free time because on Thursday night I have Survivor and packing for the cottage.!!!
We Will Rock You is playing in Toronto right now and Sweet Suzie McNeill is in it!!! I've GOT to see it!!! This summer just won't be the same without RockStar to watch. *pout*


Blogger Bravie said...

And you just get off of my team. I have enough competition as it is without having you bat over here too. *grin*
Too bad that Gilbey wasn't so good. But glad that Storm made it worth it. *drools somemore*
LOL at the opening act. We feel the same way about most opening acts. Just hurry up and go away so the main act can appear.
So glad that you finally got to post this and glad that you had such a good time. I'm super jealous. I think I could sit there and just stare at her forever. *evil thoughts*

Tue May 01, 06:57:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Bravie said...

Is it wrong that I want to lick your blog?

Tue May 01, 07:51:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Swami said...

*wipes Bravie's drool off comment page so I can post*

Storm looks very hot in that pic, Lights. I especially like her boots. In that, you know, fetish kind of way.

Wed May 02, 09:25:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Breezy said...


She is pretty hot.
Too bad Gilbey can't sing.

Wed May 02, 10:55:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Bravie said...

*dreamy sighs again*

Wed May 02, 01:30:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger ~Nutz said...


Look who decided to stop by and say hello!

Wed May 02, 04:25:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Asrai said...

Yeah, she's hot! Too bad Bravie licked the screen or I just might!

Sat May 05, 04:49:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Pam said...

I felt the same way when I saw JD. I love Storm too! Thanks for sharing, Lights!

Sun May 06, 10:35:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Sooo jealous! I loved Storm. She was my fave of last season. I want Storm to hit the big time. She deserves more attention.

Thanks for sharing, Lights!

P.S. I love you most, no matter what the rest of them say.

Tue May 08, 12:47:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger maroonclown said...

*waves to Lightsie*

Hi Lightsie.

Just dropping in to say Hi.

Fri May 11, 01:44:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger lights said...

Carey licked my blog. *snicker*

Swami, I was quite taken by those boots too.

I finally figured out who the Carolina Girl is. *smooooch*

JD made you want to switch teams Pam? *giggle*

Thanks for dropping by everyone!

Tue May 15, 08:58:00 p.m. EDT  

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