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Location: Middle of Nowhere, Northern Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, July 4

Three more sleeps!

*bounces up and down*

The countdown's on! It's going to be a busy week here but I've got so much to look forward to this weekend! I'm really looking forward to a weekend that doesn't involve manual labor or sleeping in a musty camper.

Seems all we've been doing on weekends lately is work, work, work. The only weekend we took off was two weeks ago when we went fishing and our accomodations were a musty old camper that made me gag when I opened the door, so a nice hotel will be very welcome indeed. We went fishing with friends and caught a boatload of fish (which made me very happy) but the camper they had for us to sleep in hadn't been aired out in about a year. *gag* Mr lights didn't notice it because his sniffer doesn't work very well. Unfortunately, mine works double time.

We just finished a nice three day weekend (four days for mr lights) and while it was nice to be off work, Miss Holly chose Sunday night to have one of her reverse sneezing episodes. Any of you dog owners know what I'm talking about? It's more of a snorting fit and it lasted from 10pm Sunday until this morning when she finally started feeling better. I had to ask me friend to come pick her up today while we were at work because I was worried about leaving her alone. She's okay now! YAY!!! I swear I'm NEVER getting another dog if/when something happens to Holly.

Update on the injured/ill list. No change on the paralysed kid. He's holding his own though. We visited with the Crohn's kid on Sunday. He's doing well. His appointment to determine how successful the surgery was happening today. The blood clot friend is continuing to do well and is now home. She's such an inspiration. It's absolutely amazing how well she's doing after almost losing her. The acid burn friend was at the cottage on Friday night. His burns are healing well and he said it doesn't even hurt much anymore. He was very lucky. He joked that he was just happy that the burn didn't happen any lower. *grin*

I only wish that more of the blog peeps could make it to Niagara this weekend. I'm very excited about meeting the ones who'll be there but it would have been even better with more of you there! *waves to all the Niagara peeps* See you all soon!


Blogger Glowie said...

Poor Miss Holly! I know what you're talking about but my dogs have never had it for that long. Sasha's usually go off and on for a few minutes! Yeesh. *wetnosesmooch* for sweet Miss Holly.

Have fun in Niagra!

*continued good thoughts*

Wed Jul 05, 11:01:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger mm said...

Oh man! You're going to Niagra, too? You and Seana will have to give each other big hugs for me, ok?

Wed Jul 05, 01:07:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Puffy said...

Pack your camera!

Wed Jul 05, 04:56:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Swami said...

I have no idea what a reverse sneezing fit is. I was thinking flatulence, but from Glowie's answer that's not right. My last dog was my last dog. Cats are nice too, and much less fuss/worry.

Have a great time in Niagara! The Rainbow Bridge traffic is horrible! Are you guys sticking to the Canadian side? (Remembers the old days, when 5 minutes was a long wait.)

I wish I could have come, but like I said, the first 2 weeks of any month, especially the two weeks after a quarter end are just impossible for me. Say "Hi" from Swami to anyone from OT who remembers me, and give big hugs to our fellow bloggers! Be sure to tell us if hottie Meemo is a good hugger!

Thu Jul 06, 10:07:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Bravie said...

I'm so bummed that I don't get to meet you. *pout* You have a great time in Niagra. *smooch*

Fri Jul 07, 09:51:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger ~Nutz said...

Pffft!!! Whatever! *rolls eyes*

Glad to know your friends are holding their own. My Bingo has snorting fits. Weird, isn't it?

Fri Jul 07, 10:45:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger HistoryDetective said...

Have fun in Niagara! I wish I could be there with you...

Fri Jul 07, 03:42:00 p.m. EDT  

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