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Location: Middle of Nowhere, Northern Ontario, Canada

Saturday, April 15

Onward and Upward, no looking back

That's the motto I came up with on Thursday morning as I prepared for my last day. I was kinda nervous about how things would go. On Wednesday Mean Jean interviewed Katie, and I was asked to speak to her for a while. She impressed me and I found out that she knew our computer guy so I called him and asked him what he thought of her. He told me that she'd likely be running the place in three weeks if we hired her. She was no shrinking violet like the chinese girl or the deli clerk. What I liked about her, other than the fact that she actually spoke english and had lots of sales desk experience, was that she didn't seem the type to take any shit off of Mean Jean.

Thursday morning Katie came back in to meet the boss who had been on the phone when she was in on Wednesday. She spoke to both of them for a couple hours and it seemed like they were going to hire her but Mean Jean was holding her captive in her office. By 11am the boss came to me and asked if I thought she'd be the right choice. I told him most emphatically that she was far and away the best candidate I'd seen, the other two not even being in the same league. I also mentioned to him that if indeed they were going to hire her that they should get her into me because any training had to be better than none. He immediately went running down to Mean Jean's office and suggested that I should spend the rest of the day training her if Katie was available. After Mean Jean gave her a tour of the shop, which could have been done on Monday instead of burning training time, she was sent to me. We did about 4 hours of power training and I filled her in on some stuff about Mean Jean. I tried to be professional about it. I just felt that she was behind the eight ball enough starting the job with no training that she should have the benefit of knowing what she was up against. She knows she's got a huge challenge ahead of her but I think that if anyone can do it, she can. I also think that she could be Mean Jean's worst nightmare if crossed. *evil grin*

At 3:15pm Mean Jean arrived back at the office with a present for me. I was trying to finish up some stuff with Katie, take phone calls from customers and vendors calling to wish me luck in the future, and say goodbye to everyone. The present was a little Easter arrangement with a little flower and ivy plant in it. I'm sure it cost less than $10. Canadian. I shook her hand and that was it. She thanked me for all my help and away she went. The boss was hiding in the warehouse when it was time for me to leave. I went out and shook his hand and he thanked me for everything and I left. It was bizarre leaving there and I know I have to go back one day next week to get my last check and my printer that I left for Katie, but I'll do that early in the morning when they're not there.

After work four of my co-workers, the ones I've been closest to and have worked with for 20 years, took Dave and I out for dinner and drinks. They bought me a satin camisole and panty set to wear with my new wardrobe. They wrote a poem that had us all laughing like crazy (I'll post a copy of it when they email it to me). It was an absolutely perfect ending. I couldn't have asked for anything more. My best friends from work were there and they all told me how much they'd miss me. My work husband's wife hugged me when we were leaving and told me that even though he might not say it, that he was really going to miss me. I managed to get through it all without tears but just barely.

I was floating by the time I got home. Mom had sent me an email earlier in the day telling me that she'd been talking to my childhood friend that I'm going to be working with in the new job. The friend had told Mom that they were all really anxious for me to start and that it was a great bunch of people to work with so I'm really looking forward to it now that the other chapter is closed.

Onward and upward, no looking back.


Blogger ~Nutz said...

I certainly wish Katie the best of luck! *grin*

...and you? are going to be fantabulous in your new life!

How cool about the farewell dinner from your coworkers. That was so sweet!

Sat Apr 15, 03:15:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Seana said...

Oh, yay for you Lights! It really is hard to leave the familiar, even if you don't like it.

Best of luck to you on your first day. And good luck to Katie on her first day on her own.

Sat Apr 15, 09:03:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Puffy said...

I can't even imagine the mixture of feelings that you must be going through. I'm glad you shared this whole experience. Best of luck to you next week!

Sun Apr 16, 02:13:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger yvonne said...

Thanks for the report. How exciting for you to start this new chapter. I wish Katie all the luck in the world! *grin*

*big big hugs* for you, Lightsy. Can't wait to hear about your new job.

Sun Apr 16, 08:28:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger mtw said...

Yay, lights! That just sounds great. I hope the new job is everything you hope and more.

I'm a little worried you won't have much computer time. We will all (selfishly) miss you if that's the case.


Sun Apr 16, 01:50:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Bravie said...

New chapters can be exciting and scary. But I know you are going to be great at whatever your next chapter brings. I'm so happy that you are moving onward and upward, you deserve it. *smooch*

Sun Apr 16, 04:29:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Glowie said...

Good for you, Lightsy. I'm so happy for you.

Sun Apr 16, 10:19:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

I'm glad they found a good replacement. Better late than never!

Well I'm impressed that Mean Jean even brought you ANYTHING! At least you were able to leave on a decent note with her. The dinner with your "friendly" coworkers sounds very nice!

Mon Apr 17, 10:11:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Swami said...

Hey Lights, you're at your new job right now! I hope you have a great first day!

I'm glad your co-workers took you out for drinks and fun. Lol at Mean Jean giving you an Easter Special potted plant after 20 years of service. What a moron! I am kind of sorry she found a Katie at the end. I think she deserved the inexperienced little Chinese girl more, but then I can be a mean bitch like that too.

*hugs Lights*
*hands her some daffodils*

Mon Apr 17, 10:14:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Zombs said...

Good luck today Lights! Let us know how it went.

Isn't it weird how much you hate a job but that last day you always feel a little melancholy?

You sound like you have made some great friends there and that you will continue to see them. Almost all of my best friends are people I have worked with over the years! Including the guy who sleeps next to me.

Mon Apr 17, 10:29:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Zombs said...

Good luck today Lights! Let us know how it went.

Isn't it weird how much you hate a job but that last day you always feel a little melancholy?

You sound like you have made some great friends there and that you will continue to see them. Almost all of my best friends are people I have worked with over the years! Including the guy who sleeps next to me.

Mon Apr 17, 10:29:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Zombs said...

Good luck today Lights! Let us know how it went.

Isn't it weird how much you hate a job but that last day you always feel a little melancholy?

You sound like you have made some great friends there and that you will continue to see them. Almost all of my best friends are people I have worked with over the years! Including the guy who sleeps next to me.

Mon Apr 17, 10:29:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Zombs said...

Good luck today Lights! Let us know how it went.

Isn't it weird how much you hate a job but that last day you always feel a little melancholy?

You sound like you have made some great friends there and that you will continue to see them. Almost all of my best friends are people I have worked with over the years! Including the guy who sleeps next to me.

Mon Apr 17, 10:29:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Zombs said...

Good luck today Lights! Let us know how it went.

Isn't it weird how much you hate a job but that last day you always feel a little melancholy?

You sound like you have made some great friends there and that you will continue to see them. Almost all of my best friends are people I have worked with over the years! Including the guy who sleeps next to me.

Mon Apr 17, 10:29:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Breezy said...

Zombs went a little crazy, me thinks.

*smooch* Thinking about you today. Hope everything goes well today.

Mon Apr 17, 11:52:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Puffy said...

I think zombs is stuttering.

Mon Apr 17, 12:05:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Aislinn Sirk said...

Well, I think Zombs said everything I wanted to say.

Oh wait, I met Mr Bob at school. Oh well.

Mon Apr 17, 04:04:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger lights said...

*points and laughs @ Zombs*

Thanks everyone. I can't tell you how much all your support and encouragement through all of this has meant to me. *group hug*

My first day was a huge success. I think I impressed the hell out of them. They use the same computer program as we had at my old job and not many people have ever used it before so it was a big benefit for me. I was placing and entering orders before lunch.

They were all very friendly and I even knew a couple of them. I have to get safety glasses and shoes but they pay for it all and I can go order them during work hours. I'll likely do that tomorrow after lunch.

That was the good news. The not so good news is that I don't know if I'll be online from work anymore. There is an internet policy that they mentioned but I haven't been given a copy of it yet. There's no way I'm screwing around with this job though, so unless I know it's okay I won't do it. I'll still check in from home though so don't think you're rid of me. *grin*

I even managed to get through the first day without making a fool of myself! YAY!!!

Here's the poem that my old co-workers wrote for me and read when they gave me my camisole and panties. The other girl I worked with who left in December but is still trying to train her replacement wrote this. I've deleted some names for privacy sake.

You have worked at "old company" half of your life,
Almost as long as you have been Dave "last name's" wife.
There have been ups and downs and many inbetweens,
And we all know you are a very “special favourite” of Jean’s.
You have laughed and heavens knows you have cried, you can’t dispute,
If you could have, you would have given Jean the old boot.
But instead you are leaving that “fabulous” place,
To move to "new place" with a big smiley face.
You and I both have taken that dreadful next step,
To get out while we still have some sense and some pep.
It’s the rest of you guys that deserve all the luck,
They’ll be wheelin’ you out to a Big Black Hearse Truck.
So let’s wish Linda the best, cause you’ve been a great friend,
And take your very last nerve and begin to finally mend.
But Dave and some wives do not know this for sure,
Little Linda Lou is anything but pure,
You’ve used winks, promises and very low cut tops,
To make Dan, Ken, Sean and the boys, jump up and do flip flops.
So I hope this gift might come in rather handy,
To get your new guys to eat out of your hands like candy.

Mon Apr 17, 09:09:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger momma said...

Yay!! Hooray!

Now I want to know how your first day went.

And I can't help but laugh at Mean Jean's going away present. It's almost too funny.

Mon Apr 17, 09:29:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger momma said...

And if I'd ever learn to read the comments before replying, I'd see you had a wonderful day! Even bigger HOORAY!

Mon Apr 17, 09:31:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Breezy said...

LOL Love the poem!

Tue Apr 18, 08:44:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Swami said...

What a wonderful poem, Lights! You can tell that a lot of love went into the writing of it.

Way to impress the new job, knowing their new computer system better than they do. Did you wear your new camisole and panties on the first day? (With suitable conservative outer clothes, of course.)

We'll miss you during the day. I guess you're going back to being the nocturnal Northern Lights, eh?

Tue Apr 18, 08:59:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Jen said...

Awwww. What a great poem. :)

I'm glad you had a great first day, Lightsy. Here's hoping the second is even better!

*hugs and smooches*

Tue Apr 18, 12:19:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Swami said...

Lights, I tagged you on my blog. Just something to do when you're not too busy trying to impress the new boss(es)!

Tue Apr 18, 04:17:00 p.m. EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay Lightsy!!

I almost wish I could be a fly on the wall.

Fri Apr 21, 10:08:00 a.m. EDT  

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