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Location: Middle of Nowhere, Northern Ontario, Canada

Saturday, March 15

Spring Schedule

It seems my spring schedule is beginning to fill up. Normally this is the time of year that I don't have much planned but this year is different.

1. Next weekend we're going to the cottage for Easter. It will be our first weekend there since October. I'll be missing Carey and Breezy when I get there seeing as they were there just before we closed up for the winter.

2. The first weekend in April is my parent's 50th Anniversary. We're planning a trip to Niagara later in the month but we'll get together when they get back from Florida for a dinner. It's Mom's birthday, their anniversary, my brother's birthday, my SIL's birthday and my son's birthday all in a row.

3. April 18th we're going to Sudbury to a Blue Rodeo concert with one of the girls I work with and her hubby. We'll probably stay overnight and shop at Costco the next day before heading home. I am in love with Jim Cuddy from Blue Rodeo and I can't wait to see him again so he can sing directly to me like he always does. *grin* I'm a Cuddyslut!

4. The next weekend we have our big Anniversary trip to Niagara Falls. We're leaving on the Thursday night and I'm really looking forward to it. We're booked into the Marriott Fallsview, the same hotel where Jimbo and Catt stayed during the Niagara Peep Meet. It will be fun to be back there again.

5. The next weekend is the Celebration of Marriage in North Bay. It celebrated marriages over 25 years, focusing on marriages over 50 years. Mom wants all her married kids to go with them. Last year they had Jim Eubanks from the Newlywed Game there. Not sure who will be here this year. Mom and Dad are taking us out for dinner afterwards.

By the time this stuff is all done it will almost be time to move to the cottage for the summer. Woohoo! There is a light at the end of this winter's tunnel.

So? What have you got planned for the spring? Tell me about it!


Blogger Buggy said...

Dang, you're popular!

I have no plans, this week is spring break, I think we'll just play video games.

Mon Mar 17, 01:03:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger kevingrout said...

Ooooh... I have to respond to your e-mail. Can't wait to see me some Lightsy! :-)

Mon Mar 17, 01:30:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Breezy said...

This weekend BF and I are going north to stay at a casino with another couple. Should be fun and relaxing.

The weekend after that DD leaves for Florida with her dad for a week, not sure what I'll do for a whole week of no practices to run to/pick up from. The week after that is her spring break, I'll have to come up for some projects for her to do at home. We need to declutter the house, bad.

Oh and the last weekend of her spring break we're going to go up to the UP and see my Mom's new house. *grin*

Tue Mar 18, 11:11:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Bravie said...

Let's see. This weekend we have our niece with us.
Beyond that, no plans. *sigh*
Life isn't all that exciting for me these days. No plans to go and visit anyone. No plans for anyone to come and visit me. *pout*
I'm going out with Wheezy tomorrow night. That is the highlight of my life at the moment.

Tue Mar 18, 09:15:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Swami said...

1. Well, I am still hoping to visit your cottage one day!

2. April 1 is my evil sister's birthday. As you drive through Meemo's town, look south at the Niagara St exit and wave to her for me, wouldja?

3. Remember when our bus trashed the Sudbury nickel? *snicker*

5. My evil sister could go to that marriage celebration thing. Although it took her 4 husbands to reach 25+ years. I suppose they want to celebrate people who've been married to the same person for 25+ years...

I have no plans right now. Zippo. We will probably go the North Shore of Lake Superior for a few days at some point, because we always do. And my DD in NY is coming for a visit sometime in late June / early July - so I will get to see The World's Cutest Grandchild again. He likes minigolf, so I foresee a lot of minigolf in my future.

Wed Mar 19, 10:21:00 a.m. EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spring. Hmmmm.

I am waiting for mid-April, when I will be done with the busy teaching season. I might do a Zumba class with my neighbor. (Zumba is some sort of dancing fitness class.)

In the near future, I am going to have our house power-washed. It's been probably three years, and it needs it. We have white siding - you can probably imagine.

After that, I am going to stain/seal the front porch myself. Michael wanted to replace the wood with Trex, but I made the decision that we will just go the cheaper route for now.

Spring is a fun time for me because it's warm outside, and it's lighter longer. I like coming home from work and sitting outside with other moms watching our kids play. Or I like to walk. And I love cooking out on the grill.

I have a big trip to Vegas coming up in May for work. I always try to coordinate my layovers with peep meets, and I booked my return trip with two stops in order to visit a certain pouter in this thread.

Wed Mar 19, 10:28:00 a.m. EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and I am going to Vegas on the 6th, which is a Tuesday. I think I'm going to take that Monday and Tuesday off in order to have a full week away from work. Not sure yet, but those are the preliminary plans.

Wed Mar 19, 10:29:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger kim (weltek) said...

Yay! A happy post!

You have a busy spring-lots of travel! That's very cool that there is the big marriage event and your parents want you to come.

We have a lot to do, but are having a tough time getting people to commit to dates: Rib cookoff, 2 sausage/jerky making weekends, trip to 2 breweries with friends and Memorial day camping. Chris, myself, niece, 2 nephews and MIL also have birthdays in the next two months, plus Mother's Day in May.

Wed Mar 19, 11:28:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger maroonclown said...

I'm on a blog tour today.

Hiya Lightsie!!!!

Happy Easter!!!

Thu Mar 20, 01:44:00 p.m. EDT  
Blogger Bravie said...

I came here to take it back. I DO have a visitor coming in May. *hops* I get to hang out with Boo for a couple of hours and that always makes me smile BIG> *grin*

Fri Mar 21, 09:41:00 a.m. EDT  
Blogger Swami said...

I thought Zumbas were funny pants?

Mon Mar 24, 09:37:00 a.m. EDT  

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