Pretty in Pink - Part Six
With Nolay tending bar and personally selecting who would get Totally Naked, and Jimbo getting comfortable, the snorting began. We were once again reduced to fits of laughter and sore ribs. We attempted to call Carey but Jimbo told us that she didn't want to talk to us. Shattered, I poured myself a double Southern Comfort.
I have to say that my ancient old cell phone looked all that much more like a dinasaur compared to the lovely pink phone of Meemo's and Byoffer's picture taking, speaker phone. I had no idea that new cell phones were so talented. Well I did know about the picture thing but I had no idea about the speaker thing. We all talked to Dragonflies and thanked her for the beautiful candles she sent for us. So sorry she didn't make it in person so we could have really thanked her. It was at this point that I realized that all the little gifts I'd picked up at the last minute were safely tucked away on the shelf in the closet at my hotel. Oh well, I guess I'll save them for next time.
Another highlight of the night was getting to talk to Mon again. Wow! Two days in a row. It would have been just too cool if she had been able to surprise us!
We laughed about the Maid of the Fist, we laughed about Jimbo's lack of a slip, we laughed about the snorting, we laughed about laughing like maroonclown, and we just plain laughed.
It may have been because we were tired, it may have been the Cheesehead beer, but I think it was the company. What a crazy, fun bunch of people to spend a weekend with. I'm getting a little nostalgic just thinking about it all.
But all good things must come to an end and when this picture was taken we figured it was time for us to go. As we were getting ready to leave the famous pose was recreated on the bed, first by the girls and then the guys. Like Weltek said, by the time the last picture was snapped I was definately feeling the burn. I'm not nearly as flexible as mr maroonclown. *grin*
After many hugs and goodbyes, we left the sweet suite and the Nolays offered us a ride back to our hotel. Thanks again! It was so nice of them to do that.
We hugged them once more and waved goodbye for the final time and headed to our room with precious memories of an extremely enjoyable weekend. I may be back with more thoughts sometime down the road, but for now, it's lights out.
Light's out...good one! Aww, I'm going to miss these recaps. They're so much fun to read. Do you have pictures of "the pose?"
*pout* She didn't let me wear a pink dress.
and *WHACK* for Jim if he told you that. I didn't have my phone when you called and I got the message that Monday morning.
Like Puffy says, where are the pictures of the pose?
LOL. Are they both in the skirt? And, are those someone's white panties? *giggles*
Lightsy, this has been such a great recap of your weekend. I feel like I was there with you all.
*pounds on desk* More pics! More pics!
OK, one of my favorite memories will be of me on the phone with him last night when he saw this.
"OHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYY GOD! NO SHE DI'INT!!" is forever burned in my brain. :P
And I was wearing a white skirt, that is what you are seeing there...
Miss you, Lightsy. :-(
*snort* Technically, you can't really tell who is wearing the skirt. :P
I'm not happy about being offline for the next week. It's bad enough only being able to see you all in blogland!
Wow Lights. These stories have been great, and I love all the pictures. It sounds like so much fun! I'm bummed I didn't get to be a part of it. :(
Thanks for putting in so much work so we could all feel like we were there! *smooch*
I want more story, more!
More pictures!
Thanks, Lightsy. It's been so much fun remembering so many good peeps and such fun times.
Thanks for posting so many pics. Hope you don't mind but, sa we don't really have any, I've been stealing everyone elses.
Please will you mail me the bed pose pictures???? Pretty please?
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